
2025-01-13 10:59:03 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  鲁网1月13日讯 山东荣成是“中国大天鹅之乡”,亚洲大天鹅重要的越冬栖息地之一,是鸟类南迁北移的重要中转站,从西伯利亚跋山涉水的大天鹅将在这里度过5个月的越冬之旅。在荣成市天鹅湖北岸,成群的大天鹅聚集在岸边,它们时而梳理羽毛,时而扇动翅膀,舒展美丽身姿。

  Rongcheng in East Chinas Shandong province is the hometown of whoopers swans in China, one of the most important wintering habitats for Asian whoopers swans. This is an important transfer station for birds to move south and north. The whoopers swans will spend five months here on their wintering journey after crossing mountains and rivers from Siberia. On the north bank of Swan Lake in Rongcheng city, crowds of swans gather on the shore. They sometimes comb their feathers, sometimes flap their wings and stretch their beautiful postures.(通讯员 于淼)
