
2023-08-08 13:21:53 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  鲁网8月8日讯 每年8月8日前后,进入立秋节气。在荣成,立秋节气,早晚气温会明显降低,清爽惬意。立秋时节,各种农作物生长茂盛,片片墨绿厚实的叶子下面,藏着静待成熟的果实。此时,也正值黄渤海伏季休渔期,养殖工人们忙碌着播种和收获龙须菜,一幅灿烂的丰收画卷正徐徐展开。

  Before and after August 8th every year, the Start of  Autumn Festival enters. In Rongcheng, during the Start of Autumn season, the temperature will significantly decrease in the morning and evening, making it refreshing and comfortable. During the Start of  Autumn, various crops grow luxuriantly, with thick dark green leaves hiding fruits waiting to ripen.At this time, it is also the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea summer fishing prohibited period, farmers are busy sowing and harvesting dragon beard vegetables, a brilliant harvest picture is slowly unfolding.(通讯员 于淼)
