
2023-06-08 17:17:28 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  鲁网6月8日讯 每年公历6月5日至7日,太阳黄经到达75°时为芒种。芒种,二十四节气中的第九个节气,夏季的第三个节气。芒种的到来也标志着仲夏时节的正式开始。

  Each year on June 5 to 7 of the Gregorian calendar, when the sun reaches 75°, it is the Grain in Ear solar term. Grain in Ear, the ninth solar term in the 24 solar terms, the third solar term in summer. The arrival of grain in Ear also marks the official beginning of midsummer.


  The Grain in Ear solar term has significant significance in agriculture. The Grain in Ear solar term includes both harvest and sowing, which is a busy season for transplanting seedlings in the south and the harvest of summer ripe wheat in the north. At this time, agricultural production is in the busy season of summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management, with golden fields, wheat waves rolling, and the sound of machines rumbling.


  In Rongcheng, during grain in Ear season, more than just golden wheat is harvested. Wind blowing wheat waves, hope long, students, go to the examination room, for the dream, youth, harvest the future.


  As the "capital of kelp in China," Rongcheng City has entered its final harvest period with over 100000 acres of kelp. On the vast sea, hundreds of ships are pushing waves and singing praises of a bountiful harvest.

  (通讯员 于淼)
