山东荣成:青春之海 活力滨城

2023-05-16 09:54:26 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  鲁网5月16日讯 这里是荣成,是一座美丽、浪漫的海滨城市。春天可以漫步樱花湖畔、城市公园,赏花探春;夏天,可以到滨海浴场赶海拾贝、网渔垂钓;秋天,可以登临苍翠,体验“种豆南山下”,享受融入自然的乐趣;冬天,可以近距离接触雪白的大天鹅,感受自然仙子对这座城市的眷恋。可以说,精致、幸福、宜居是烙刻在这座城市骨子的内涵。

  This is Rongcheng, a beautiful and romantic coastal city. In spring, you can walk the cherry blossom lake, the city park, enjoy the flowers Tanchun; In summer, you can go to coastal bathing beach to pick up shellfish, net fishing; In autumn, you can climb mountains and see the distance, experience the joy of harvest, and enjoy the fun of integrating into nature. In winter, you can get close to the snow-white whooper swan and feel the natural fairys attachment to the city. It should be said that exquisite, happy, livable is engraved in the citys bones connotation.

  (通讯员 于淼)
