
2023-05-08 09:29:52 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  鲁网5月6日讯 丰富的海洋资源造就了“踏浪弄潮”的繁华荣成,也创造了无限的发展生机。近年来,荣成市立足近海养殖、远洋渔业的一产基础优势,重点突破海洋二、三产发展,大力推进金枪鱼、海带等优势海产品精深加工,培育海洋生物医药产业,做强海工装备制造,拉长文旅康养链条,突破蓝碳经济,打造海洋经济发展的新增长点。

  The rich marine resources have created the bustling Rongcheng City of "stepping on the waves and riding the tides", and also created infinite development vitality. In recent years, Rongcheng City has been based on the basic advantages of the primary industry of offshore aquaculture and deep-sea fisheries, focusing on breaking through the development of the marine secondary and tertiary industries, vigorously promoting the deep processing of advantageous marine products such as tuna and kelp, cultivating the marine biopharmaceutical industry, strengthening the manufacturing of marine engineering equipment, elongating the cultural and tourism health chain, breaking through the marine carbon sink economy, and creating a new growth point for the development of the marine economy.

