
2023-05-06 14:19:47 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走

  鲁网5月6日讯 立夏,是二十四节气中的第7个节气,也是夏季的第一个节气,交节时间在每年公历5月5日至7日,此时北斗七星的斗柄指向东南方,太阳到达黄经45°。

  The beginning of summer is the seventh solar term among the twenty-four solar terms, and also the first solar term of summer. It intersects from May 5th to 7th every year in the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the handle of the Big Dipper points to the southeast, and the sun reaches the yellow longitude of 45 °.


  After the beginning of summer, the sunshine increased, the temperature increased, earthworms plowed, malt grouted, and the long summer day walked leisurely. Although it is the beginning of summer, there are huge differences in the natural scenery across China. At this time, Rongcheng still presents a fragrant scene of late spring with various colors of red and purple.


  The beginning of summer is also the picking period for Rongcheng spring tea. The special coastal climate of Rongcheng makes the picking of spring tea one solar term later than in the south, but Rongcheng tea has unique quality as a result. The history of Rongcheng tea production can be traced back to ancient times. In recent years, tourism activities with the theme of tea culture have gradually emerged, attracting a large number of tourists to taste tea and enjoy the scenery and experience the pastoral fun.


  Every year around the beginning of summer, Rongcheng abalone, which winters in Fujian and other places, will return to their hometown and continue to grow in the warmth of their hometowns summer. On the sea, abalone returns home, bustling with activity.

